pypz.core.specs.instance module

class pypz.core.specs.instance.Instance(name: str = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: Generic[NestedInstanceType], RegisteredInterface, ABC

This class represents the instance specs that serves as base for all the other models. It abstracts all common features and functionalities that is required to maintain the actual instances like parameters or even multi level nested instances.

  • name – name of the instance, if not provided, it will be attempted to deduce from the variable’s name

  • nested_instance_type – type of the expected nested instances

__context: Instance

Reference to the context aka parent object. Derived automatically in the override implementation of __setattr__.

__depends_on: set

Set of other instances that is this instance depending on. Note however that the type of the dependencies are checked dynamically in runtime, since dependencies can only be defined on the same type of instance.

__expected_parameters: dict[str, ExpectedParameter]

Map of expected parameters defined as descriptor of the class. Key is the name of the parameter, value is the parameter descriptor. Used to check, if an expected (described) parameter value shall be set upon instance parameter setting.

__full_name: str

Full name of the instance which uniquely identifies it up to its topmost context. For example, if an instance A has a parent context B, which has a parent context C, then the full name of A is ‘C.B.A’. This value is calculated and the result is stored after the first calculation to avoid recalculation every time.

__nested_instance_type: Type[NestedInstanceType] | None

Stores the specified type of the nested instances. This is required to be able to discover those instances

__nested_instances: dict[str, NestedInstanceType]

This dictionary holds all the instances that are nested in the context of this instance object

__parameters: InstanceParameters

The interpreted instance parameters i.e., cascading and templates are interpreted


Reference to the reference instance. If specified, then some instance internal configuration related attributes will refer to the attributes of the reference instance.

__simple_name: str

Name of the instance, which is represented by the object created from the implementation class. If not provided and there is a parent context, then the parent context will use the name of the variable.

__spec_classes: set

Set of specs classes that are in the class hierarchy i.e., which specs classes are contributing to the implementation of this class

__spec_name: str

The name of the spec constructed of module and qualified class name. Notice that we separate the module name and the class name so that we can identify them at loading by name.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
abstract _on_error(source: Any, exception: Exception) None

This method can be implemented to react to error events during execution. The error itself may come from arbitrary sources.

abstract _on_interrupt(system_signal: int = None) None

This method can be implemented to react to interrupt signals like SIGINT, SIGTERM etc. The specs implementation can then execute interrupt logic e.g., early termination of loops.


system_signal – id of the system signal that causes interrupt

static create_from_dto(instance_dto: InstanceDTO, *args, **kwargs) Instance

Creates an instance object from the DTO representation. It is capable to retrieve and load specified classes and to update created instances according to the DTO.


instance_dto – instance DTO


instance object specified by the DTO

static create_from_string(source, *args, **kwargs) Instance

Helper method to provide the functionality to create an instance from a json model specified either as string or as dict.


source – model as string


instance object specified by the DTO

depends_on(instance: Instance) None

Specify dependency instances of the actual instance. The following prerequisites shall be considered: - dependency must be the same specs type - dependency can be defined only in the same parent context The same parent context means that if there is an operatorA with plugin1 and plugin2 and an operatorB with plugin3, then only plugin1 and plugin2 can express dependencies to each other, since plugin3 is in another operator.


instance – dependency instance

get_dto() InstanceDTO

Converts the instance information into the corresponding Data Transfer Object (DTO)


DTO from instance

get_expected_parameters() dict | str

Returns all the expected parameters as dictionary. Each parameter has the following types:

result = {
    'name': {
        'type': 'str | int | float | set | list | dict | type(None)',
        'required': 'True | False',
        'description': 'str',
        'currentValue': 'str | int | float | set | list | dict | None'
get_full_name() str
get_missing_required_parameters() dict[str, set[str]]

This method returns the missing required parameters recursively for all nested instances, hence all parameters will be collected in the current scope.


dict, where key is the instance’s full name and value is a list of the names of the missing required parameters. If no missing required parameters, then an empty dict will be returned

get_parameter(name: str)
get_simple_name() str
has_parameter(name: str) bool
set_parameter(name: str, value: Any) None

Parameter setter method, which interprets the templates and handles cascading parameters. One can ignore setting values for existing parameters via the provided flag.

  • name – parameter name

  • value – parameter value

set_parameters(parameters: dict) None

Convenience parameter setter method for dicts, where all key value pair will be set separately


parameters – parameter dict

update(source: InstanceDTO | dict | str) None

This method allows to update certain attributes of the instance based on the provided DTO. All attributes can be updated here as well, for which a setter exists, in addition one can inject additional nested instances or update existing.


source – json string, dict or DTO

class pypz.core.specs.instance.InstanceGroup

Bases: ABC

This class provides methods to access instance group related information. It can be implemented on different instance level, since a group might have different meaning on top level and on nested level.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
abstract get_group_index() int
abstract get_group_name() str | None
abstract get_group_principal() Instance | None
abstract get_group_size() int
abstract is_principal() bool
class pypz.core.specs.instance.InstanceInitInterceptor(name, bases, namespace, /, **kwargs)

Bases: ABCMeta

This metaclass has the responsibility to intercept the instance initialization and so ensure that instance name and context objects are resolved automatically, before executing the __init__ of the instance. For more information refer to InterceptedInstance.

class pypz.core.specs.instance.InterceptedInstance(instance_name: str, context_class: Type[Instance], *args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

This class represents an intercepted instance at init. Part of the feature set is that if you don’t provide a name to an instance in its parent context, then its variable name is used as name. However, since there is no convenient way to provide the name of the variable holding the reference to the object into the object’s __init__, we need to work around this. The concept is that we intercept the instance creation, if no name has been provided through a metaclass. This metaclass creates an InterceptedInstance object instead of the real object. As next step, the Instance’s __setattr__ is modified (since that is the only place, where the variable name is given) so that, if it sees that an InterceptedInstance is to be assigned, it instead creates the original object, but this time with the name and the context object already provided. Hence, all the (nested) instances’ __init__ will be performed with already available name and context.

class pypz.core.specs.instance.InterceptedInstanceType

This type definition is necessary to allow proper typehints of the objects created by the Instance class with the custom metaclass. Without this type definition no hints will be given.

alias of TypeVar(‘InterceptedInstanceType’)

class pypz.core.specs.instance.RegisteredInterface

Bases: object

This is a marker interface with the sole purpose to identify the native specs interfaces. It is necessary to separate the implemented and multiple inherited classes from the actual plugin interfaces.