pypz.core.specs.operator module
- class pypz.core.specs.operator.Operator(name: str = None, *args, **kwargs)
This class represents the operator instance specs. This class shall be used to integrate your processing logic with pypz. An operator spec can contain plugins as nested instance.
- Parameters:
name – name of the instance, if not provided, it will be attempted to deduce from the variable’s name
- class Logger(logger_plugins: set[LoggerPlugin])
This is a wrapper class for the logging functionality. It wraps all the implementation of the
and by invoking either method it will invoke the corresponding method of eachLoggerPlugin
The logger instance is provided to all plugins, so the plugins can call the methods of this logger. However, if a
would invoke the logger methods, it would cause an infinite recursion. This is prevented so that in every logger call, the call trace will be analyzed and if any instance of aLoggerPlugin
is found, then aRecursionError
will be thrown.- Parameters:
logger_plugins – logger plugin instances collected in the operator instance
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- _debug(event: str | None = None, context_stack: list[str] = None, *args: Any, **kw: Any) Any
- _error(event: str | None = None, context_stack: list[str] = None, *args: Any, **kw: Any) Any
- _info(event: str | None = None, context_stack: list[str] = None, *args: Any, **kw: Any) Any
- _warning(event: str | None = None, context_stack: list[str] = None, *args: Any, **kw: Any) Any
- __context: Instance
Reference to the context aka parent object. Derived automatically in the override implementation of __setattr__.
- __depends_on: set
Set of other instances that is this instance depending on. Note however that the type of the dependencies are checked dynamically in runtime, since dependencies can only be defined on the same type of instance.
- __expected_parameters: dict[str, ExpectedParameter]
Map of expected parameters defined as descriptor of the class. Key is the name of the parameter, value is the parameter descriptor. Used to check, if an expected (described) parameter value shall be set upon instance parameter setting.
- __full_name: str
Full name of the instance which uniquely identifies it up to its topmost context. For example, if an instance A has a parent context B, which has a parent context C, then the full name of A is ‘C.B.A’. This value is calculated and the result is stored after the first calculation to avoid recalculation every time.
- __logger: ContextLogger
Context logger. For more information refer to Operator.Logger class
- __logger_plugins: set[LoggerPlugin]
Collection of logger addons to store for context logging
- __nested_instance_type: Type[NestedInstanceType] | None
Stores the specified type of the nested instances. This is required to be able to discover those instances
- __nested_instances: dict[str, NestedInstanceType]
This dictionary holds all the instances that are nested in the context of this instance object
- __parameters: InstanceParameters
The interpreted instance parameters i.e., cascading and templates are interpreted
- __replicate()
- __replication_group_index: int
Specifies the group index, if the operator is replicated.
- __replication_origin: Operator | None
Reference to the original instance, which was the base for the replication
- __simple_name: str
Name of the instance, which is represented by the object created from the implementation class. If not provided and there is a parent context, then the parent context will use the name of the variable.
- __spec_classes: set
Set of specs classes that are in the class hierarchy i.e., which specs classes are contributing to the implementation of this class
- __spec_name: str
The name of the spec constructed of module and qualified class name. Notice that we separate the module name and the class name so that we can identify them at loading by name.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- abstract _on_init() bool
This method shall implement the logic to initialize the operation. It will be called after services are started and resources are created.
- Returns:
True, if finished
False, if more iteration required (to not block the execution)
- abstract _on_running() bool | None
This method shall implement the actual business logic. It will be called after the _on_init has successfully finished
- Returns:
True, if finished
False, if more iteration required (to not block the execution)
None, if automatically to be determined based on all inputs i.e., if no more input record, then finish
- abstract _on_shutdown() bool
This method shall implement the logic to shut down the operation. It will be called, after the _on_running has successfully finished.
- Returns:
True, if finished
False, if more iteration required (to not block the execution)
- _operator_image_name: str | None
PARAMETER - Name of the docker image, where the operator can be found. This is optional for the execution, but is required at deployment.
- _replication_factor: int
PARAMETER - The replication factor specifies, how many replicas shall be created along the original instance.
- static create_from_dto(instance_dto: OperatorInstanceDTO, *args, **kwargs) Operator
Creates an instance object from the DTO representation. It is capable to retrieve and load specified classes and to update created instances according to the DTO.
- Parameters:
instance_dto – instance DTO
- Returns:
instance object specified by the DTO
- static create_from_string(source, *args, **kwargs) Operator
Helper method to provide the functionality to create an instance from a json model specified either as string or as dict.
- Parameters:
source – model as string
- Returns:
instance object specified by the DTO
- get_dto() OperatorInstanceDTO
Converts the instance information into the corresponding Data Transfer Object (DTO)
- Returns:
DTO from instance
- get_group_index() int | None
- get_group_name() str | None
If an Operator instance is replicated, then the replication group name is the actual instance name of the original instance.
- Returns:
the replication group name
- get_group_size() int
- get_logger() ContextLogger
- get_operator_image_name()
- get_replica(replica_id: int) Operator
Returns the replica instance by id. The id is the actual place in the replica list, which is ensured during the replica creation.
- Parameters:
replica_id – replica id
- Returns:
replica specified by the id
- get_replication_factor()
- is_principal() bool
- update(source: OperatorInstanceDTO | dict | str) None
Overridden to allow connection and replica updates.